Moving is an open source community for self-driving development and collaboration worldwide. With the decentralized developer community as the base, Moving community respects and believes in freedom, collaboration and democratization within the community. Moving community is constantly exploring new ways to develop, manufacture and apply self-driving technologies, bringing more possibilities with real-world solutions. It aims to solve the common problems of self-driving through collaborative methods and eventually open source the outcomes, lowering the entry barrier of self-driving. The community provides developers with more democratic choice, which drives a wider range of applications in autonomous mobility.
The first onsite self-driving event PIX organized is Move-it, a hackathon that aims to build affordable development platform (chassis) for self-driving, solving various engineering challenges along the process. It’s more dedicated to self-driving engineering and hands-on building. Another onsite event is DIY Robocars KuaiKai Challenge, a networking Meetup and a fun race that provide car platforms equipped with computing abilities, sensors, by-wire control and other hardware support, also closed urban roads to test and race. KuaiKai aims to test and optimize self-driving software as well as algorithms. The third onsite collaborative event is PIX Generative Hackathon, which reimagines how cars are made and explore new vehicle manufacturing paradigm with creative digital design approaches and new digital manufacturing processes, further driving innovation in the automobile industry and lighting a beacon for next-generation manufacturing. Moving Hackathon is held in 2019 this year, attracting international participating engineers.
PIX Moving holds hackathon and self-driving events on regular basis, driving the self-driving innovation and application in collaborative efforts.
Moving Community has been the innovation base for about two hundred engineers and developers, who come from different countries around the world with diverse backgrounds and cultures. They are from Japan, from USA, from Turkey, from Ukraine, from Singapore, India, England, Spain, Costa Rica, Vietnam and also Egypt, China and Europe. Some of them are skilled hackers, some are experienced engineers, some creative students and some are productive employees. There are engineers from Waymo, BWM Innovation Center, and SAIC Self-driving Department, also PhD from Carnegie Mellon University and professor from Nagoya University etc..
Community members are obsessed and passionate about self-driving: deep learning, robotics, path planning, algorithms optimization, autonomous control, embedded software, and electronics etc.. With the same vision and aspiration, the community will kindle more innovation in self-driving applications and bring wider availability of self-driving industry to general developers and startups.
Moving Community is where we’re all uniting for the same thing—industrialization of open source, from CAN Bus Hacking to by-wire control, sensor fusion to map building, and gesture recognition to urban road test, PIX stands with Moving global developer community on this self-driving journey. The foundations and solutions contributed by the community will benefit and thrive more researches, development, applications in self-driving. The contributions are open source: hardware part is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Firmware and software source are licensed under the MIT License (MIT) unless otherwise noted.
Moving Community Github
Blogs and Articles
Blogs and articles from the community contains more vivid contents with pictures
Blogs and Articles
Jun. 4. 2018
DIY Robocars KuaiKai Self-driving Test & Racing Challenge Drew To A Satisfactory End
Self-driving technology has brought significant changes and enormous possibilities to future transportation as well as city life. Engineers, startups, developers, research scientists and talents around the world are dedicated to the development of self-driving, however...

By Moving Community
Blogs and Articles
Jun. 27. 2018
I Raced a Donkey in China
(for Big Data)
My brother Chris and I flew to China this March to race hobby scale autonomous cars at the Guiyang Big Data Expo for Pix Moving, a self-driving car startup. You can read about the event here in the words of the fantastic Nancy Lee. They flew us to China, put us up in a brand new hotel, and fed us like kings!
Erich Clark
May 22. 2019
Building a Full-Sized Self-Driving Car in 5 days (Part 1)
This week (22 May) I have come to GuiYang in China for the Moving Hackathon 2019 Self-Driving Global Challenge and the experience is amazing.
The challenge happens in a factory inside the Technology and science industrial park…
May 31. 2019
DAY 0 : Moving Hackathon — Self-Driving Global Challenge
I planned to visit the PIX factory where the hackathon will be happening from 22nd May. I found two friends to go with, Fernando and Italojs. You will hear more about them in the next blog. We reached the factory together and little did we know about what was in store for us…
May 31. 2019
DAY 1: Moving Hackathon — Self-Driving Global Challenge
“An interesting day ahead”, I smiled and said to myself. I could barely hold my excitement and ran to finish my shower. I headed to the factory along with several other participants from all over the world. That’s one of the best perks of a global hackathon, you get to meet amazing people with diverse backgrounds…
June 4. 2019
Techniques to Tackle Overfitting and Achieve Robustness for Donkey Car Neural Network Self-Driving Agent
Pixmoving, a self-driving car startup in China, organized a Hackathon event in May 2019 to bring together a group of people from all over the world to gather and try out new ideas on self driving.

Join Moving Community
Moving Community is attracting more developers and engineers with the same vision and goal. It’s growing each and every day. Join hundreds of collaborative efforts, working together with love, diversity, decentralization and everything else that makes Moving such a special part of self-driving industrialization.