Open source autonomous driving platform is an important drive for the development of autonomous driving industry. It empowers individual engineer and startup, leading to innovation that’s “out of control”. Democratic and decentralized open community of engineers is revealing its significance over time. For the open source autonomous driving platform, high-precision map is an indispensable part, which enables vehicles to efficiently deal with complicated traffics. HD map data is more than simple geographic road information. More road topology information is involved in high-precision map and becomes an essential part, raising requirements for HD maps regarding its dynamics, flexibility, scalable capability and conversion. Meetup on Sep 13th, we’ve invited guests and professionals from the industry to share the concrete insights on open source autonomous driving system and HD mapping. We'll explore the possible optimized approaches to integrate the two technologies, further developing the real-life applications of autonomous driving.
Open Source Autonomous Driving & HD Map
a. Levels of Autonomy
b. Sensors for autonomous driving
c. Open Source autonomous driving in detail
i. ROS
ii. Autoware
iii. Apollo
d. HD Map
Prof. Alexander Carballo Segura
Chief Self-driving Scientist at PIX Moving. Designated Assistant Professor at Nagoya University. Research Consultant at TierIV Inc. Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng.) in Computer Science from University of Tsukuba, Japan. Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), Computer Society, and Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society. Professional Member of the Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ). Active reviewer for IEEE Int ref Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), also Advanced Robotics Journal and the Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan. Great research and work experiences in the autonomous driving industry. Main research interests: Human-robot interaction, social robotics, autonomous robot navigation, autonomous vehicles, robotic perception, machine learning, computer networks, unmanned aerial vehicles.
Scott C. Livingston
PhD from Caltech, dissertation about motion planning for robotics. Former senior research scientist at the self-driving car company nuTonomy. Founder of rerobots, a company dedicated to providing remote access to robots in well-documented workspaces. A pioneer in open source and open access technologies.
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